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Our ICT strategic reviews, audits and assessments provide an overarching framework for all future technology requirements for your organisation.

We help clients seamlessly integrate technology  into their business strategy and plans to ensure BAU.


Our comprehensive ICT reviews, audit and assessments are tailored to provide a holistic understanding of your organisation's technological landscape.

Realise insights and actionable recommendations for optimising your ICT infrastructure and ensuring alignment with your organisation's objectives.


Infrastructure Performance & Resilience

We'll evaluate the performance and resilience of your organisation's ICT infrastructure. This includes an assessment of network architecture, server configurations, cloud services, and overall system reliability.
Identify potential points of failure, assess scalability, and ensure that the infrastructure can support current and future business needs. Our performance reviews also include considerations for network speed, latency, and overall responsiveness to user demands.

Team Structures & Roles

RTG evaluates your current structure, resource allocation and alignment of  your ICT team with technology and user needs. We assess capabilities, roles, and responsibilities, not limited to the ICT team, but also encompassing structures contributing to support, planning, and implementations.
Our goal is to provide clarity on the effectiveness of current operational practices, fostering a deep understanding of where resources and structures stand in relation to your immediate to long-term ICT requirements and organisational objectives.




Risk & Security Posture

Our Risk & Security Assessments evaluate the effectiveness and robustness of your organisation's security infrastructure. This includes assessing firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, access controls, encryption methods and overall cybersecurity protocols.

We'll identify vulnerabilities and ensure that security measures align with industry best practices and compliance requirements. 


ICT Governance & Compliance

RTG can evaluate your organisation's ICT governance framework and its adherence to industry standards and regulatory requirements. Our audit examines policies, procedures, and documentation to ensure a robust governance structure.

We'll help identify gaps in compliance, assess the effectiveness of control mechanisms, and provide recommendations to strengthen governance practices promoting accountability and transparency in ICT operations.


Data Management & Privacy Compliance

Our assessment will scrutinise how your organisation manages and protects its data. From storage practices to backup procedures, we evaluate data lifecycle management and ensure compliance with stringent data protection and privacy regulations as data is created, shared, and archived. 

This includes a detailed analysis of data access controls, encryption methods, and policies governing data handling, providing a comprehensive overview of your organisation's data governance practices.


Software & Application Landscape

RTG can review and assess your organisation's software and application landscape to ensure optimal functionality and alignment with business goals. Our assessment includes a detailed examination of software licensing, version control, and application performance.

We'll identify opportunities for optimisation, assess compatibility with hardware infrastructure, and ensure that software assets are synced and utilised efficiently to enhance productivity and support organisation's objectives.

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Optimise and align your organisation's technological landscape with future growth objectives.

Strategically position your organisation for sustained growth, enhanced security and operational excellence in an ever-changing digital landscape.

Continuous Improvement Culture

Embrace a proactive approach to ICT management with our reviews and assessments. Beyond identifying current strengths and weaknesses, we instill a culture of continuous improvement.

By providing actionable insights and recommendations, we empower your organisation to adapt to evolving technologies, anticipate challenges, and stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic ICT landscape.

Elevate Operational Efficiency

Streamline your organisation's operations with our comprehensive ICT audits, reviews, and assessments. We meticulously evaluate your technological landscape, identifying inefficiencies and bottlenecks.

By aligning resources, structures, and practices with industry best standards, we unlock opportunities for operational optimisation, ensuring a more agile and efficient business environment.

Strategic Planning 

Our ICT reviews and assessments are integral to strategic planning. We analyse the alignment of your current ICT resources and structures with both immediate needs and long-term growth objectives.

By gaining clarity on your organisation's technological landscape, we empower you to make informed decisions, ensuring your ICT strategy is not only robust today but positioned for future scalability and innovation.

Optimise Resource Allocation 

Maximize the value of your resources with our assessments. We scrutinize your ICT team structures, resource allocation and capabilities.

By identifying gaps and aligning resources with business objectives, we guide you in optimizing resource allocation for enhanced productivity, improved service delivery, and a more effective utilization of technological assets.

Ensure Regulatory Compliance

Navigate the complex landscape of regulatory requirements with confidence. Our ICT audits ensure that your organisation complies with industry-specific standards and data protection regulations.

By identifying areas of non-compliance, we guide you in implementing corrective measures, minimising legal risks, and fostering trust among stakeholders.

Fortify Cybersecurity Resilience

Prioritise the security of your digital assets with our specialised ICT audits. We delve deep into your security infrastructure, evaluating vulnerabilities and ensuring compliance with the latest cybersecurity standards.

Our assessments not only identify risks but also provide strategic recommendations to enable your cybersecurity posture, safeguarding sensitive information from evolving threats.

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Business Strategy

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What our Clients say about us

Working with our clients as a close trusted advisor, we receive wonderful feedback in our NPS surveys.

RTG icon Wordcloud Colored

Innovative Technology comes with Great Partnerships

We partner with all major leading technical partners to deliver innovative solutions to meet client requirements and budgets.

Microsoft 100
Google 150
Dell 1502
HPE 250
veeam 150

Some of these challenges sound familiar?

Below are the most common challenges organisations have with cyber security.

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Our Story by the Numbers

We have a long tradition as a trusted advisor serving our clients with passion.





Employees Australia Wide


Customer Satisfaction Rating


Net Promoter Score

How we work with our Clients


We’re trusted partners working closely with out clients delivering enhanced performance, long term success and sustainability.


 Let’s schedule some calls (no obligation!) so we can understand your challenges and where we can need help.



 We'll develop a strategic approach based on your organisations unique requirements and challenges.


 Let's go on a transformation journey together as we successfully implement your strategic technology plan.

Let's work together


We help our clients make intelligent Technology decisions.

Ready to have a conversation?

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