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Customer Testimonials

RTG regularly receive wonderful feedback from customers about our service.

See some of the comments below.

Providing consistent advice and guidance

“RTG are technically capable and have been proactive in learning and catering for our needs; providing consistent advice and guidance as those needs evolve.”

Deputy Principal, Victorian College

Knowledge and expertise

“Engaging RTG to work with us is the best business decision we could have made. Their knowledge and expertise is enabling us to implement a physical and cultural ICT change at a rate we could never achieve on our own.”

Principal, Victorian College

RTG helps by listening, collaborating and planning

“We have recently used RTG to undertake an independent review of our ICT environment. The staff that we dealt with were professional, personable, and competent.

The review findings were comprehensive, timely in delivery and provided direction. As a consequence of our experience, we have embarked upon a relationship with RTG to provide input to our future technology direction, as well as receiving day-to-day ICT support”

Principal, Tasmanian College

Delivering through partnership

“Partnering with RTG for our managed services has made our venture into the BYOD space a smooth and cost effective journey. From purchasing, setting up and distributing devices, through to upgrades on our wireless infrastructure – we now can accommodate over 1,000 connected devices at any one time.

RTG has assisted in ensuring that our transition was smooth and hassle free. Since launching several years ago, BYOD now provides the opportunity for our students to personalise their learning journey with access to more interactive and engaging resources ‘anywhere and anytime.”

Director of Learning Innovation, Melbourne College